Reflection on 2020 Horizon Report
As far as i understood the horizon report does
really fits its name, the word “horizon” isn’t just there to be look good. This
report anlyzes data and comes up possible future outcomes in the education area,
but as said in the introduction these prejectories are not always on point and hundred
percent accurate. Writers of the horizon report know the challenges of trying
to predict the future trends and they also know that even though the
predictions could be wrong they still must be made. I have read the social,
technological, economic, higher education and the political trends, and will be
reflecting upon them.
Horizon report examines 5 trends which are
well explained in the report. I believe that we can use these 5 main consepts to
explain most of the modern human made social constructs, therefore these trends
are really helpful to inspect an important consept like education. Also the
horizon report examines emerging technologies and practices, while doing it panelists
came with few scenarios and implications.
The trends in the horizon report are vast, but
the way that the report explains them allows the reader to come up with new
ideas. The explanations in the report does not limit the reader, it pushes the
reader to think of new ideas.
Social trends main point is finding solutions
to the most common student problems, which are mental health issues, demographics
and the equity problems in education area. These problems are directly
connected to other trends and due to that their way of solving can be dependent
to the upcoming advencements in those areas.
Technological trends in any area can be
connected to education. Education might not be always dependent to the tecnology,
for example there are teachers who teach microsoft office programs with chalk
and blackboard in Africa, but when there is the possibilty of the usage of
technology in education it improves the quality of the technology. New
technology also creates new methods of teaching, and with the fast improve rate
of the current technology teaching methods could be constantly evolving.
Economic trends and political trends affect us
on a daily basis, from the choices of the politicians in our country to the
exchange rate of our currency. So while trying to understand the economic and
political trends we shouldn’t over look the our local status. The economy is higly
bonded to the politics.
Lastly the higher education is the one of the
advancing areas of the education world. This is related to specific occasions.
Firstly the virtual education is on the rise, this means the access to the education
is easier than ever before, secondly the increase of the population results in
competition while finding jobs, because of this people are constantly trying to
get better education.
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