Educational game design with MIT App Inventor
Firstly I created my first page as a starting page, when the "Start the game!" button is pressed the "Screen2" initializes. In the second page I set the blocks for the answers, buttons, images, and text by using the initialize global block, then I created the "ShowQ" procedure which is the main procedure that is needed for my game. "ShowQ" begins when the screen2 is initialized. "ShowQ" procedure creates the questions that appear in the game and brings them on the screen, in the beginning of the "ShowQ" I used 2 blocks to add +1 to the value of "QuestionNumber", this allows the game to begin since the normal value of the "QuestionNumber" is 0 and changes the question when the previous one is done. I added the "set ... to" + "text" block to change texts and images that appear in the questions, I also added a block named "R" and used it with "random integer" block in order to randomize the questions. There are 2 different posibilities in each question and it is always randomized, so you might need to play couple of times in order to find all 8 questions :D. There are total of 8 questions but each time you play you only have to answer 4 of them. I also added "confirm answer" and "next" buttons. When you click on an answer the "confirm answer" button appears, in order to finalize your answer you have to press that button, and after pressing the button if your answer is correct the answer you choose turns green in order to change the colour of the button i used the "set ... . background to" + a "colour" button, however if it is wrong the correct answer is shown in a red colour. After pressing confirm the answer the "next" button appears, I did this by using "set ... . visible to" + "true" blocks for both of the buttons. When you press the next button "ShowQ" initializes again and when the 4th question is done next time you press "next" button you are sent back to the "Screen1" to replay.
