My Educational Game Design

I made an educational virtual piano in order to teach people from all age groups notes on piano. I made 2 modes which can be activated from the buttons called "Start the quiz!" and "Free mode". When you click the quiz mode the notes on the piano disappears and quiz starts. On the right side of the app there is an circle, when you start the quiz random notes start to show up on that circle, in order to be succesful you have to play the right note by using your keyboard. When you play the correct note a tick will appear on the circle for a brief moment, if you play the wrong note a x mark will show up. In the free mode you can just play with piano randomly. There are also buttons for changing the sound of the instrument and adjusting volume.

In order to make a working piano I added the music page in scratch, then I draw equal keys and adjusted their positions to create the piano look. I created buttons and writings. Some writings are connected to each other. When you press certain buttons some writing appear and disappear, I made this possible by using "show" and "hide" buttons. I also created different costumes for the keys and buttons in order to make the look pressed. When you press a button the costume changes for a moment and turns back to its original form. When making the piano I used "play note block" in order to make each key play the correct sound, I adjusted their notes with that block, I also did similiar work with the volume and instrument blocks. Most challenging part was the quiz part, as you can see most I used a lot of costumes and block in "Sprite 16", which shows the which note should be played in the quiz. I used "Switch costume" block with "pick random" button to randomize the quiz every time so it would be truly educational, I also made and if else statement to link the quiz to the piano keys. I also added "Think" buttons to put a little time between the questions.

This project was kind of challenging and at some points I really felt stuck, however in the end I feel like I managed to create the project I had in my mind. 

Instructions(They are also written on the scratch page of the project) *You can play this piano by clicking the buttons with your mouse or using your keyboard buttons a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,n,m,w,e,t,y,u,o,p. Start the quiz button starts the quiz and hides the notes written on keys, free mode button stops the quiz. You can also change the sound of the instrument and adjust the volume by clicking the adjustment buttons on the top. Enjoy! (Note: You can only use your keyboard in the quiz mode to answer the questions!)


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