Reflection on ISTE standards for educators


 Firstly in the empowered professional segment ISTE standards point out that the educator should have a great communication with themselves, the students and the technology they use. In the sense of communicating with themselves they should continously seek out for new knowledges, pedagogical approaches and ways to improve their teaching methods and use of educational technologies. Secondly in order to communicate better with students they should be able identify needs of the students and find ways to satisfy their needs, while doing this the teacher should be ready for the diverse needs of every student. Lastly in this segment the teacher should be competent in the technologies they use and inspire others to use the technology in a productive and safe way.

 In the second segment ISTE standards are more technical. Firstly this segment points out that the educator should be able to Collabrate with others by; using the time more efficiently, usage of digital resources and by demonstrate cultural competency to interact as co-learners with other people. Secondly this segment implies that the educators should be able to design their work tools and environments in an authentic way, i think this is important because i think designing something better improves everything about it. Thirdly an educator of course should be making it easier to learn for other people by using her/his technical skills. And lastly an educator should be able to collect and intepret data.


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